How tall is Everest Now?

As if the recent measurement projects weren’t enough, now there’s an attempt to remeasure Everest using modern technology, and it’s presumed that it’s actually a few meters higher than we thought. Using GEOID – or a supposedly more accurate way to locate Sea Level, or 0′ for that exact location on Earth – this team is attempting to determine the exact height of Everest.

Source: via Charles on Pinterest

While a few meters doesn’t seem like much, this might be significant in comparison to other measuring attempts to declare K2 higher than Everest, and thus the new highest mountain on Earth. I’d be curious to see how Chimborazo does though…

How do you feel about this?

1) Who cares about a few meters here or there?
2) Wow, I’m more excited than ever to attempt Everest now
3) Who’s paying for this and why?
4) Poor K2, I hope this goes totally backwards on them

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